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Hello, guys! Welcome to my channel.
Now, we’re on part 2 of our step by step on how to start the Homebase Jobs for Beginner in the Philippines. and our topic for today is about creating an online profile.
However, if you’re here, but you haven’t watched Part 1 yet, I encourage you to do so. Especially if you’re still a newbie, and you don’t have enough ideas about the Homebase Jobs for Beginner in the Philippines.
I’ll provide the link for you to click it up easily.
Homebase Jobs for Beginners : Creating an Online Profile
Before we start, I’d like to ask you if you already know what search engine is, and what is the browser. These are very important for an online job, and not everyone knows about them.
Browsers are a computer application, which we can click to use the internet. Examples of this are Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
The search engine, on the other hand, are websites where we do our search, and Google is the best example of this. Also, you know that there are some other websites like and, which are all websites where we research.
However, Google is the best search engines nowadays. Moreover, don’t be confused, because Google is also the name of a company, that’s why you can see other products like their browser, Google Chrome.
Somebody asked me too, “Is YouTube a search engine as well?”
Of course, YouTube is also a search engine. Any site where you can search could be called a search engine, only that, and are the biggest we have today.
Making them very important to learn in starting homebase jobs for beginner
We will discuss more search engines on our next videos, especially those talking about SEO. Yes, there’s a lot of homebase jobs for SEO Experts.

How to Create Emails

According to Google, emails are messages sent using virtual or electronic methods from one computer user to one or more recipients through a network.
To begin with, there are two types of mail.
One is the snail mail, or the old mailing where we use envelopes, drop it in the post office so that it could be sent to our intended recipient. The other one is email, wherein we also create letters, only that we send it through electronic means to our intended recipient.
Nowadays, snail mails are only used for essential documents on hard copies, like official documents and sealed papers among others. Email is already a popular choice because of its convenience.
Email is the # 1 tool you will need to have if you are looking for homebase jobs. Why? Because you will be communicating through email!
Where do we Create Emails?
We can create on sites like,, and But I prefer creating at
This is because a Gmail account will serve as our primary weapon so we can use Google Products.
So, we open our browser, go to, and create an account.
Fill your Name and Email ID
Start by filling up the field on create account page. Make sure to use your real name to make it look professional.
In creating an email account ID, it’s best to have a variation of your name for it. You can add some numbers though, especially when your name is quite common and have been used for another email.
This could make you look professional and reliable when you start home based job for beginners.
Create a Password
In creating a password, avoid using passwords that are too easy, like “Name123#”. It should contain at least one capital letter, one small letter, one number, and one character.
Moreover, it should be at least 8 characters long. But I suggest it should not be more than 10 characters so you won’t have a hard time remembering it.
Make it easy to remember too, so you can use it comfortably throughout the web where your email is required.
Fill in the Remaining Details
Next, fill the remaining details. This could include your birthday, your mobile number and some other stuff.
Fix your Profile
After the account has been created, you can then fix your profile, like adding your photo on it. Of course, feel free to add more details on it too.
How to Create a Facebook Profile
You probably already know how to create a Facebook profile. However, make sure to use real name, details, and photos, so your profile would look legit for clients.
How to Create a LinkedIn account

Here is LinkedIn, you can see a lot of professionals using for their business and career. Thus, I’m recommending you to create a profile on it so that you can have access to potential clients.
The thing is, you should carefully create your LinkedIn profile to use it.
To create one, fill the details about your name and email. Make sure to use your professional email for this, so clients can easily connect with you.
This is one of the main reasons why you should carefully create an email account when you start the homebase jobs for beginners and make it look legit, to begin with.
How to Create Twitter
Creating a Twitter account is also easy. You need to go to, sign-up, and fill in the details, like your email.
Truth be told, Twitter is not that useful for the online job. However, potential clients and employers use Twitter, making it vital for us to learn.
How to Create a Personal Blog

Creating a personal blog is just an optional task. If you already have Facebook, Twitter and other online profiles, having a blog is just additional stuff.
Google has dozens of products, with one of those being Thus, you can create a blog on it.
You have to create a blog, and then you can start posting on it. Just make sure to make it look nice and professional too so that it could give a good impression to clients about you.
Don’t worry; we will probably have another tutorial focusing on creating a blog next time.
How to Create a Skype account

Skype is important in starting a Homebase Jobs for Beginners in the Philippines , so you can easily communicate with clients and even co-workers while working.
First, you have to download Skype. You can search on Google about “Skype download,” so you can grab the latest version.
That’s when you can install it in your computer, and sign-up for an account.
What is Google Hangout

Hangout is another Google product, wherein you can use it just like Skype.
However, it’s already incorporated on your Gmail account, so you can easily access Hangout through it. Alternatively, you can also download its official app from Google.
You can also use some other messenger apps like WhatsApp, IMO, and Messenger, so you can communicate with clients.
So that’s it. These are the basics on how to create online profiles, which is very important to start a homebase jobs for beginners. We’ve learned all about search engines and browsers at the start; then you’ve learned how to create the email and vital profiles on the web.
Feel free to comment on your suggestions, questions, and other stuff, and don’t forget to subscribe on my channel. Watch out for our next videos as well.
Thank you for watching.
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