PPC Campaign Management helps online businesses

Campaign Management is a service to plan and execute its PPC ads’ spending and strategy to reach the KPI. The main goal is to get leads, sales, or as simple as visitors to the website. Revenue to the website is predicted to increase up to 300% with PPC Campaign Management through Google Ads and Bing Ads.

As it is named, ads will be charged once the audience has clicked the ads with a call to action visiting a website or a landing page. To bring clicks, a strong PPC Campaign Management strategy and up-to-date SEM is needed. It would help business owners understand competitors’ PPC tools, knowing valuable keywords to achieve milestones and increasing ROI. 

High competition in the online business pushes PPC Campaign Management works on localization. It is possible to lead the audience to local businesses through retargeting strategy. For instance, how to get leads to a local business in Davao if the Philippines’ competition is high? Adding keywords of the city on ads would help to reach the audience who is looking for nearby online shops and adding a location on Google helps to increase online search ranking.

PPC Campaign Management
PPC Campaign Management

Importance of PPC Campaign Management

Google Ads and Bing Ads are the two popular PPC Advertising Platforms. Google Ads remains the strongest platform with its two top networks: search network and display network. Search network appears on its search engine results, while display network appears to users as they browse more than 2 million sites across the Google Display Network. 

Even though Bing Ads is ranked two and not as popular as Google Ads, but it has 126 million unique US users with 6 billion searches in March 2019, according to ComScore data. As Bing Ads is owned by Microsoft, its ads show up in three networks: Bing, Yahoo, and AOL.

Due to their high visibility among internet users, Google Ads and Bing Ads generate immediate results and drive sales quickly. Although their popularity is different, the average conversion rate for Google Ads is 3.75% and Bing Ads is 2.94%. PPC Management Campaign helps businesses a way to drive traffic and get online business by targeting high-value, conversion-ready searchers.

PPC Campaign Management Pricing

Pricing is always the main concern of business owners, but the only key to get customers without reaching them directly face to face is by maximizing online ads. PPC Management Campaign has various ranges of pricing, depending on the workload related to managing a particular company’s PPC campaigns. Online businesses usually spend based on their revenue target, as Google Report has mentioned, if an account invests $1 for an ad, then the revenue is $2. A new online business can start with $500 a month, a commitment of 3 months is necessary to see the A/B testing and improvement. Most of the time, clients just want to commit ads for a month, which does not maximize the result. It takes time to understand customers’ behavior.

Study Case

PPC Campaign Management Study Case in Davao
PPC Management Campaign Helps Online Business Study Case in Davao

A wedding planner business in Davao starting to go digital in 2019. Their starter kit is choosing SEO package for a year. It went effectively since potential customers tend to search local wedding planners to consult with them physically. Besides, their office presence is in the heart of the city, hence they do not need to be too aggressive online. 

When pandemic starts in early 2020, the condition turns out not as smooth as before. If in 2019 they still get customers from offline engagement, not any more today. The marketing strategy is shifting to online. SEO strategy goes well, but need to add more services from PPC Management Campaign. Same as offline marketing, when the store is there, ads on posters and billboards are necessary to attract the audience.

In this past year, the business has survived by gaining double the amount of revenue before the pandemic. First, before the PPC Management Campaign, they were on page three of Google. Today, they are on the first page of Google and ranked top five.

PPC Management Campaign has saved businesses in this hard time of the pandemic.

Why Jeanius SEO?

As business owners have so much baggage on their shoulders, PPC Campaign Management is usually done by a third-party vendor, like a digital agency. Let digital agency prepares the strategy and manages the budget so that business owners can focus on the overall marketing strategy.

Jenius SEO is one of the SEO agencies based in Davao City, Philippines. The team consists of Digital Experts with experiences handling projects in the Philippines, USA, and Australia. Specialized in SEO Services, Jeanius SEO Team would online businesses to be exposed to your audience through Google search and Social Media platforms.

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